Monday, November 7, 2016


Hello famni epi Zamni!! Hope all is well :) this month in the past is the most unluckiest month of my life. For the people that don't know I've been in the hospital 2 years in a row this month. With both head injuries hahahaha so let's pray I don't get any flying objects thrown at my head this month!! Here's my week!!

Tuesday- Probs the best day of my life of the mish so far. I had the amazing opportunity to partake of Panda Express. Literally tasted so amazing I dropped like $15 so probs will be broke this transfer way worth it tho.  Besides that we had transfer meeting which is always cool. Then leadership meeting cause my comp is district leader. If you've served a mission or are on one you know so much butt kissing in one meeting so I stood up and told everyone that being in a leadership position doesn't matter it's just a label you're the same as me lol.

Wednesday- We taught Anastasia and Warner which was good. Anastasia is a new investigator she's 21 Haitian girl. Her like whole family is LDS but she's not feeling it right now. Then we had district meeting, we have a new sister, Sister Cate she's a creole sister. Then new ZL his name is Elder Jeppson total homie.

Thursday- 3 month mark so that's crazy haha. We taught Annmarie cute old Haitian lady, baptismal date for January 15th way far away we'll see what happens. Then ward correlation, our new ward mission leader is a homie, lived in Utah for awhile.

Friday- Taught Warner again kinda just a bro, he's like my dad of the mission haha, freakin love him.

Saturday- We taught a ton of street lessons to Haitian people, way awesome. So at the end of the day me, Elder Robison (my comp), Elder Jeppson, and Elder Saintran go into this side market to get toilet paper cause we were all out. We go dang this huge bag has like so many rolls so we'll split the check. Well we get home open it up and it was just a huge bag of paper towels 😂😂😂 we all just lost it hahaha we were so mad cause it was $20!!

Sunday- I'm gonna be honest our bishop hates missionaries so it's sucks haha. I speak more creole than English on Sundays so that's weird. Then we were leaving this less actives house at night and this old lady comes up to us and asks us who's car that is and we didn't know. She fell and her phone fell under it. So we go under there with a flash light and grabbed her phone. Her and her husband invited us inside and we shared our message with them. She later tells us that she was praying about the phone and next thing she knew we were right in front of her. So that was so amazing to me. God works in mysterious ways.

Okay love you all, have a good week! And don't forget to write me ;) that pic of me eating the donut is from last week lolz

Elde Wa

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