Monday, October 24, 2016


You may ask does this subject line have a good story behind it? Answer is no, no it doesn't. So hey there I want to apologize for my infinite grammar mistakes I made last week in my email. As I re-read it I was like I'm such an idiot, so if I make more my bad I'm just cruisin so I can go to bed hahaha. Anyways wazzzz up?!? How are all you??? I don't know why I'm asking not like you're gonna read that and go "wow I'm doin good thank you" hahaha ok movin onto my week :)

Tuesday- Soooooo slow but we were walking down the street and these kids on the basketball court were playing and were like "hey you two white boys come play us" for you that know this is my fantasy coming true hehe so we were like ya sure. All their friends were like "those guys are gonna crush you they probs play college ball" in my head I'm like I didn't even play HS even tho I was better than everyone in the team ;) so it was my comp and I verse 3 of them and we beat them 16-5 and they agreed to hear our message if we won so that was good. In district meeting we asked "who's most likely to be famous" and "who's most likely to be the most successful" well family friends shockingly enough everyone picked me hahahaha. I was like if all my boys were with me they'd counter that so hard.

Wednesday- We went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I was with Elder Fowles if we weren't on a mission probs would throat jab him?? But we got along all day hahaha so that was good. He's an English missionary so every time we contacted a Haitian I was the money man. I spoke more creole in 1 day then I have my whole mission it was awesome :) 

Thursday- We went to good ol' Warners house he called us "hey I'm lonely will you guys come hang out with me?" Such cute old man hahaha. So I got these amazing jolly rancher bites from the Jeffs family (shouts for that btw hehe) so I took them with me cause literally taste so amazing! So I go "Warner do you want me to blow your mind right now?" He goes "as long as it's just my mind!" We laughed so hard. I pull out the bites he goes "oh candy!!" So I gave him one and he asks if he could have the whole bag hahahah I was like umm ya sure Warner if you get baptized already!!! Jk I didn't say that but sure wanted to haha.

Friday-We had deep cleaning so not a lot happened today.. again I'm gonna tell a story that made my head grow a little bigger. So we were just chillin at McDonald's and I went to the little men's room. Came out and these 2 Haitian girls that worked there were speaking creole and little did they know that my comp and I speak creole hehe they were like "that guy in the back is way cute" the other one "yeah he's fine" my comp turns to me and goes "literally you're so gay I'm so sick of it" hahaha I was like dude I promise this wasn't how it was back home girls hated me. 

Saturday- this day just sucked haha soooo cold and windy like ugh way bad. Went to downtown Brooklyn which was cool :) bout it.

Sunday- we had a good Sunday my comp and I translated sacrament for the Haitians! Way harder than you'd think hahaha. Then we went to Terry's and taught her about Enduring to the End and we explained how important that is to us :) so that was cool!!

Okay that was my week! It was good but slow! Love you all and stay fresh!!

Elder King out

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