Sa k ap fet? My subject line means "water can't climb mountains" I don't know what to say cause like it's so weird being back here tbh. Like for some reason i don't even felt like i left. Im beyond happy right now. I mean i don't get a long with my companions as much but I'm still super happy 😊 here's my week! Oh ya transfers are tomorrow so thats coool. I'm staying here in Jamaica my companion is Elder Bissereth the Haitian kid!!
Tuesday- we taught this kid named Francisco such a stud. It was very emotional my comps are really blunt with him. I dont really like the way they teach him but he loves them so its okay :) anyways he wants to get baptized but his mom told us that she is going to make that decision. Im like how the frick frack are you gonna know if hes ready if you don't ever come to lessons ugh. Shouts to my mom for letting me choose 💕 so ya we're just waiting for his mom to pull it together. These Haitian girls on the bus were speaking creole and my Haitian comp goes "elder King vini la" which is like come here so i go over there and they were saying some pretty bad things about me but like good things idk how to explain hahaha. Anyways my comp goes speak to them so im like "sa k ap di?" Which is like what's sayin super slang hahhaha they like got off the next stop lol.
Wednesday- We had doc appointments all day long omg we had a appointment for my eyes and now im a 4 eyes lol idk if I look good or not so send some emails with your input ;) then my white comp had some doc appointments. Honestly super boring day hahaha Elder Watson and I are killin them abs tho Chak swa nou fe spo hehe. Like every night we killin it.
Thursday-hahaha oh man this day sucked kinda a pair of senior missionaries came over to look at our apartment and let me tell you we got freakin chastised so hard Hahahahahaha. I have only been here for 2 weeks so they didnt really get mad at me so thats good, but honestly the apartment wasn't dirty at all like the kitchen had some stuff on the walls from forever ago haha. We cleaned for hours. We went over to a members house and we fixed her laptop and printer haha. THEN SHE TOOK US TO RED LOBSTER 😍omg omg it was the best food I've had in forever literally best night ever.
Friday- Not gonna lie straight feasted on the scriptures this morning wow mosiah was my best friend just killed it. Mosiah 23:22 is my fav i got. We Taught Francisco again it went good talked about the importance in the commandments. Then we went to sister Natasha's she gave us some Chinese food haha way good. Then we taught this guy named Jay he cuts all the missionaries hair for free. He wants to learn creole so we read the bom with him and we were like can we start with a prayer he was like ya can i say it? So we're like ya and he says it in creole hahhaha 😯mind was blown so hard. He's a permagator which is like a permanent investigator lol.
Saturday- we went on exchanges Elder Bergason was with me and Elder Bissereth. We went to this face to face with Elder Holland and Elder Erying pretty cool they are so apostles wow hahha. They did a live broadcast we weren't actually there lol. Then we went to this appointment and got lost that was way annoying haha. Then I called this referral named robin and i was like " hey you ordered a Bible can we bring that by? She was like ya come now! I was like woah chill we're eating jk didnt say that so we went over there she lives in the projects haha. Here in Jamaica the project buildings have security out posts outside of the buildings lol. We went in the wrong building and there was a huge party goin on downstairs, yes we got the most awkward looks white kids in a project party 😎hahahahahahaha. Then we went to the right building and taught her a way good lesson about the bom and she said she likes us and to come back next Thursday so good stuff.
Sunday- I'm done typing but we had a good Sunday went and had dinner with some members and went to the senior missionaries in our ward and they gave us cake it was good.
If you want to send me packages send them here the mission office 85-69 60th drive Elmhurst NY 11373
If you wanna send me letters send them to my apartment 91-12 175th street apartment 7A 11432
Here's some pics! The church is true and the book is way blue and i way love you ❤️